What is EmRes?

EmRes is a somatic healing technique that helps to resolve the trauma stored in the body by simply paying attention to what’s happening in your physical body and feeling your emotions.

Wait, what?

Let’s start from the beginning: imagine that it is a very warm summer day and you’re dying to have something fresh, and you find a new ice cream shop that just opened. Let’s say that they didn’t have enough time to make the labels, but you love all things berry flavor, so when you see the one with the pink color you immediately order it. 

Now, before you even try this ice cream your brain has in its database a range of berry flavors, from the best to the worst you’ve ever tried, and as it is predicting which one it will be, you start to salivate, expecting anything from that range.

What would happen if as you try, you realize that it is not berry anything but smoked salmon?! I’m sure you’d be pretty shocked and maybe grossed out, right? 

How many spoons of that ice cream do you need to be able to know that it’s not berries? Probably, just one. Now, the prediction of your brain that all pink ice cream is berry flavored has been destroyed. 

You’ve created a new memory and probably you’ll always double check with the person serving the ice cream about the flavor every time you see that color. Another possibility is that you’ll never order pink ice cream ever again. 

This is how your brain works, and the way we learn not to touch fire or spiky things, or the reason why you haven’t eaten fish since you got food poisoning after eating salmon that night four years ago. Your brain’s job is to remember all possible dangers to keep you safe, and your body also stores all the memories of everything that you’ve lived that had an impact on you. It’s a perfect mechanism to keep you safe! 

But sometimes this can be pretty inconvenient, for example, just because you had a car accident once, it doesn’t mean that you’ll have more. But your brain is doing its job and wants you as far of a car as possible to keep you safe. Which might interfere with your quality of life.

Since your brain and your body are connected through the nervous system, every time you feel fear, your nervous system gets activated and sends lots of signals to your body that keep you paralyzed, so you don’t drive. These signals or physical sensations (also called interoceptions if you want to be fancy) are the way of the body to communicate with you. 

What we do with EmRes is to revisit the memory of the incident or a current situation that’s making your life harder and to feel the emotions in a safe space, making sure that we allow the body to process this information and see that there’s not a danger in the present moment. 

With the use of different techniques to allow your body to feel these emotions in a safe way your body becomes able to integrate these physical sensations as non-dangerous, therefore, no stress involved ever again in whatever the situation was that made you suffer.


Integrating Somatic work, Energetic practices, and subconscious healing to feel like a million bucks