You have a project and big plans. You have big aspirations and big dreams…

  …and your emotions are getting the better of you.

Some days you’re doing okay, but other days are heavy. Even though you go to bed exhausted, you’re unable to sleep. Your mind races with memories from the past and projections into the future.

Every time you’re about to post a new video, create a new product or offer, or show up in your business, you feel the anxiety rippling down your shoulders, your stomach, your hips, or your heart or head feels like it could explode. 

You want to speak more and more loudly. You want to stop playing small. But every time you’re about to share your voice on Instagram, YouTube, or even your newsletter, your self-doubt makes a stellar appearance and you end up scrolling Instagram mindlessly instead. Getting trapped in comparison and envy.


You keep looking at other IG accounts and you wish you could show up the same way. Instead your impostor syndrome grows bigger and bigger.

And the more you look, the less you can think straight. You get into a spiral of thought that tells you a bunch of lies about your-self worth that keeps affecting your business. 


You know you could do a lot and make a huge impact, but your anxiety is getting in your way.

You never do as much as you wanted to, your to-do list keeps growing and your email inbox keeps getting fuller…

and even when you do get everything done, it’s exhausting….

1:1 sessions

Bespoke Hypnosis Experience

Work on yourself in your own time

(coming soon)

Kundalini Bodywork